Wireless debugging in Xcode 9


1 min read

WWDC-17 introduced a lot of new and exciting stuff to the iOS developer community. ARKit, CoreML, and Drag & Drop to name a few. Powerful features like these need powerful tools to leverage their strengths. Xcode 9 has been built keeping this in mind. Xcode 9 is built from scratch in Swift and its Beta version is surprisingly stable. Moreover, one of the features that developers had been missing for years is now introduced with Xcode 9. Wireless debugging! ๐ŸŽ‰

The setup is straightforward. The only prerequisite is that your iOS device must have >= iOS 11. Here are the 3 steps to complete the setup -

  1. Connect the iOS device to the Mac. It should appear in the Xcode.

  2. Navigate to Window -> Devices and Simulators

Devices and Simulators under Window

  1. Under the Devices tab, you should see the device information along with the Connect via network checkbox. Select the checkbox.

This is a one-time process. You should now be able to debug and run your application without physically connecting the iOS device to the Mac. Just have your Mac and iOS device connected to the same WiFi.

Happy coding! ๐Ÿ™‚
