Swift Bite - Async Await


2 min read

Swift is a powerful and versatile programming language that is widely used to develop iOS, macOS, and watchOS apps. One of the most powerful features of Swift is its ability to perform asynchronous tasks, which allows your app to continue running while it waits for a response from a server or another long-running task. In this blog post, we will explore the basics of async and await in Swift, and how they can be used to improve the performance and responsiveness of your app.

Async and await are two keywords that are used in conjunction to perform asynchronous tasks in Swift. When you mark a function with the async keyword, it tells the compiler that the function can return before it completes its execution. This allows the app to continue running other tasks while it waits for the function to complete.

For example, consider a simple function that retrieves data from a server. Without async and await, the app would have to wait for the function to complete before it can continue running other tasks. This can lead to slow performance and a poor user experience.

func getDataFromServer() -> Data {
    // Code to retrieve data from server
    // ...
    return data

let data = getDataFromServer()

By marking the function with the async keyword, the app can continue running other tasks while it waits for the server to respond.

async func getDataFromServer() -> Data {
    // Code to retrieve data from server
    // ...
    return data

let data = await getDataFromServer()

The await keyword is used to tell the compiler that the app should wait for the function to complete before continuing to the next line of code. This ensures that the data is available before it is used by the app.

Keep in mind that async and await are not unique to swift, they are part of a bigger concept called "asynchronous programming" which is present in many programming languages.

In conclusion, async and await are powerful tools that can be used to improve the performance and responsiveness of your app. By marking your functions with the async keyword and using the await keyword to wait for them to complete, you can make sure that your app is always running smoothly and providing a great user experience.
